Online Giving at St. Peter Catholic Church

Online giving makes giving easier for you. You’ll no longer have to worry about writing a weekly check, finding your Church envelope, and remembering to bring it to Sunday Mass. Our online giving service provides you with your giving history, making it easier and more efficient during tax season. It also provides bank-level security, with a secure and protected checkout process. Currently, St. Peter Parish has just over 200 families who have signed up for this way of giving.

 Online giving makes our parish’s weekly collections more consistent. There are times when we are away from St. Peter. By enrolling in online giving, you make an offering even when you’re away.

Can I still use envelopes?

Many of us enjoy placing our actual envelope in the basket. If you choose to give online, feel free to continue using envelopes. Merely write “online giving” on the outside. This way, you and your family are reminded on Sunday of the gifts you’ve made online.

Signing up is easy. If you have any questions or would like assistance, you can call our Business Manager, Eileen Boudoin, at 369-3816.

Second Collections

May 12th
Property and Liability Insurance Program

This collection is building our savings for the premium which will be due this coming summer.  Your support is most appreciated.

May 19th
Bishop’s Services Appeal

As of the last report that we received from the beginning of April, St. Peter Parish has contributed $15,783.19 toward our yearly goal of $42,803.00.  This amount represents 37% of our yearly goal. Please continue with your generosity as the BSA funds so many worthy works of charity and the education of our seminarians in formation.