This program is designed to help our parish form adults in the Catholic faith and can be used both here at the parish and in our own homes.
How can you use it?
Go to formed.org to investigate! Simply use our parish code ZBR3Y7 to log-in.
As a member of our parish, you can access FORMED anytime on the web, using your computer, smart phone, or tablet, both here and at home. It is extremely important that we as Catholics not only know our Catholic faith, but also bear witness to Christ in our daily lives, particularly in this time of the New Evangelization. We strongly encourage every parishioner to take advantage of this excellent resource and make it a priority to learn more about our faith so that we can not only live it out more deeply, but also share it with others.
It offers movies, audio recordings, e-books, scriptural study programs, documentaries, youth ministry, and so much more. Treat yourself, you won’t be disappointed!